Welcome to Student Government Association

We the students of Texas Southern University, conscious of the fact that education is a right to which we are privileged, desirous of upholding principles of true democratic action, of promoting student participation in the overall policy and decision-making process of the university community, acting to remove the stigma of apathy and end racism, and providing an organ for the free expression of students, do hereby proclaim this our constitution.


SGA Governing Documents

You can find all documents regarding our Student Government Association

Student who is running

What's Happening

Want to join the organization's events? Check our event calendar here

Gavel with justice


Welcome to another great election year at Texas Southern University.



If you have a Question, Comment, or Concern, We are here to listen your voice

Click Here to Fill Out Ask SGA Form



Sterling Student Center, Room 210
3100 Cleburne Street Houston, Texas 77004
713-313-7182 | sgapresident@dcvg-cn.com